11.   Hardening its stance, the airline said it would not return to the bargaining table until the pilots withdrew the threat of a walkout.

12.   Many have been permitted to leave, but China appears to be hardening its stance.

13.   The downing of the Fighting Falcon came as the West was hardening its stance toward the Bosnian Serbs, adding Allied forces within striking distance of the rebels.

14.   The European Union hardened its stance Monday in its fishing dispute with Canada and broke off all official meetings until Canadian authorities release a seized Spanish trawler.

15.   There was no immediate statement from the president, who has made peace the priority of his administration but had hardened his stance toward the FARC in recent days.

16.   Under pressure from anti-U.S. political forces, she has since hardened her stance against the military campaign.

17.   Under pressure from anti-U.S. political forces, she has since hardened her stance against bombing.

18.   Upon her return home, under pressure from anti-U.S. political forces, she hardened her stance against bombing.

19.   FT also quoted a Kirch adviser as cautioning that the publisher had abruptly hardened its stance last week, but remained at the negotiating table.

20.   In Tokyo, an official of the fund said it expected the South Korean and Taiwanese women to harden their stance.

v. + stance >>共 181
soften 19.27%
take 11.70%
change 11.60%
harden 3.36%
toughen 3.26%
reiterate 2.97%
reverse 2.59%
support 2.21%
reconsider 2.01%
maintain 1.92%
harden + n. >>共 123
position 20.60%
stance 8.79%
attitude 7.54%
heart 4.77%
resolve 4.27%
opposition 3.02%
line 2.26%
tone 2.26%
rhetoric 1.76%
steel 1.76%
每页显示:    共 35