11.   His handwritten letter was poignant, and vintage Reagan.

12.   I have gotten several e-mails and even a handwritten letter from a few teachers and one teen who read the piece in other newspapers as far away as Pennsylvania.

13.   In handwritten letter after handwritten letter, the students this week have begged alumni for help.

14.   Instead, he scripted a two-page, handwritten letter to the team, coaches included, urging everyone to stick together.

15.   Kissinger obliged by giving him a handwritten letter to delivery to Castro.

16.   Last year, shortly after Dobson died, his family located the handwritten letter.

17.   Maybe I will send loving handwritten letters to those who have touched my life in a positive way ...

18.   Neil Rudestine, an English scholar, in ten years displayed great warmth, penning thousands of handwritten letters in the course of his ten-year term.

19.   Once again without identifying the possible Unabomber, Ms. Swanson gave Van Zandt two typewritten transcriptions of what she said were handwritten letters from the suspect.

20.   Otherwise, one could get nearly handwritten letters on the computer screen.

a. + letter >>共 1005
warning 3.11%
anonymous 2.82%
threatening 2.51%
similar 2.18%
angry 2.07%
suspicious 2.05%
recent 2.01%
personal 1.99%
first 1.99%
fund-raising 1.85%
handwritten 1.29%
handwritten + n. >>共 136
note 33.83%
letter 10.23%
statement 3.80%
message 3.14%
sign 2.97%
name 1.49%
document 1.49%
notation 1.49%
list 1.32%
notice 1.16%
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