11.   Already Haitian refugees have rioted on two occasions.

12.   But Congress ignored the plight of thousands of Haitian refugees.

13.   But they add that the continued presence of Haitian refugees at Guantanamo is even more uncomfortable for Washington.

14.   But there is also fear that the frustration of a forced stay could spawn trouble as it has in Haitian refugee camps.

15.   Clinton has changed course on how to handle Haitian refugees four times in less than two years.

16.   During those years, he filed lawsuits challenging the interdiction of Haitian refugees at sea and restrictions on Iranian citizens during the Iran hostage crisis.

17.   Earlier this year, President Clinton came under harsh attack from Mfume and other African-American leaders for his policy of repatriating Haitian refugees.

18.   Economic conditions have yet to markedly improve, and Haitian refugees have once again begun undertaking the risky journey in leaky boats to Florida.

19.   Endara complained about the treatment he received from American officials over the Haitian refugee issue.

20.   Forester and others in the Haitian refugee center Tuesday called on Americans to appeal to Attorney General Janet Reno to parole the Haitian children into the United States.

a. + refugee >>共 816
palestinian 8.80%
rwandan 8.74%
afghan 5.30%
serb 4.53%
albanian 4.26%
ethnic 3.20%
political 2.98%
cuban 2.83%
bosnian 2.81%
returning 2.69%
haitian 1.51%
haitian + n. >>共 419
government 7.28%
police 7.07%
refugee 4.97%
army 4.38%
immigrant 4.25%
leader 4.00%
official 3.66%
military 3.54%
capital 2.48%
soldier 2.23%
每页显示:    共 117