11.   After the initial trials, other defendants began to plead guilty for reduced sentences or probation.

12.   But Hiss and Rosenberg were not arrested and found guilty for dissent.

13.   But two Democratic fund-raisers were later found guilty for their roles in soliciting illegal campaign contributions from people, including monks, who attended the event.

14.   Cincinnati attorney Kenneth L. Lawson entered a plea of not guilty for Scott in Hamilton County Municipal Court.

15.   Copple says working parents unwittingly send messages that make a child feel guilty for wanting personal play time.

16.   Colleluori entered a plea of not guilty for his client and requested a jury trail.

17.   Eliza, sensitive to these changes in the family dynamic, feels guilty for her part in causing them.

18.   Even now, Crowther and his wife feel guilty for having talked Andy into the cruise.

19.   For a moment, I feel guilty for corrupting them.

20.   He felt a little guilty for a couple of weeks and then managed to forget all about it.

a. + for >>共 863
available 10.91%
set 3.36%
unavailable 2.96%
positive 2.27%
difficult 1.91%
prepared 1.88%
famous 1.75%
important 1.68%
open 1.62%
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guilty 0.11%
guilty + p. >>共 49
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in 10.17%
on 4.11%
about 2.93%
by_reason_of 1.83%
for 1.75%
at 1.62%
by 1.54%
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