11.   You never have to worry, as you do in the real Paris, about feeling guilty that you are not cultivated enough.

12.   Another rioter said he decided to return his loot because he was haunted by a guilty feeling every time he saw what he had stolen.

a. + feeling >>共 1098
good 5.38%
strong 4.50%
bad 4.04%
mixed 3.85%
same 2.87%
warm 1.82%
general 1.74%
personal 1.72%
true 1.59%
similar 1.42%
guilty 0.23%
guilty + n. >>共 190
plea 34.54%
verdict 26.53%
party 5.36%
pleasure 4.84%
conscience 2.65%
man 1.81%
people 1.36%
player 0.90%
feeling 0.77%
one 0.77%
每页显示:    共 12