11.   Through a series of panels, the group collected comments from assorted racial and ethnic groups.

12.   Authorities say the group collected arms, equipment and propaganda material for an all-out Serb uprising against Milosevic.

13.   Exile groups were collecting food, water and other humanitarian aide to be distributed by the Catholic Church on the island.

14.   In the past years unauthorized groups had been collecting the skins.

15.   It could be at least three weeks before the group can collect their fortune.

16.   Lawmaker Yuli Rybakov said the human rights group collected the names and addresses through refugees who have fled the fighting.

17.   Proponents of the disclosure measure note that every day of delay allows groups to collect more secret cash.

18.   Research leader Loren Wiesner notes that while groups have collected wild seeds to protect particular species, no one has ever tried to freeze-dry an entire habitat.

19.   The group collects and distributes donated drugs and medical equipment to hospitals in short supply because of war or disaster.

20.   The group is collecting everything from wheelchairs to antibiotics to send to Russia.

n. + collect >>共 689
government 4.08%
company 3.40%
state 2.76%
people 2.71%
worker 1.70%
water 1.64%
police 1.59%
group 1.17%
investigator 1.11%
agency 1.06%
group + v. >>共 723
say 9.83%
be 9.19%
have 3.36%
claim 3.17%
include 1.64%
call 1.57%
plan 1.51%
accuse 1.35%
want 1.19%
take 1.04%
collect 0.05%
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