11.   It concludes that the red squirrel is in decline because it is far less efficient at using woodland food than its rival -- the North American grey squirrel.

12.   The study claims that red squirrels have survived alongside grey squirrels for decades in forests in Norfolk and Staffordshire.

13.   Many towndwellers see the grey squirrel as an amusing furry creature that comes into their gardens.

14.   Meanwhile in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire, staff wage an unceasing battle against the grey squirrel.

15.   Poisoned wheat is put inside the holder which is designed to let in grey squirrels and exclude other small mammals.

16.   When the grey squirrel was first introduced from the United States a century ago, it was viewed as a welcome newcomer.

17.   According to the Stokes Nature Guide to Animal Tracking and Behavior, grey squirrels are born between February and April and between September and October.

a. + squirrel >>共 75
grey 15.32%
little 4.50%
blind 2.70%
young 2.70%
white 2.70%
discouraging 1.80%
burrowing 1.80%
dead 1.80%
fried 1.80%
hapless 1.80%
grey + n. >>共 300
hair 7.64%
suit 6.68%
eye 5.97%
area 5.25%
sky 3.46%
cloud 2.27%
squirrel 2.03%
wall 1.07%
uniform 1.07%
building 1.07%
每页显示:    共 17