11.   Freudian theory has had a great influence on psychology.

12.   Andrea was a great civilizing influence on her husband.

13.   Her work had a great influence on subsequent generations.

14.   The great influence exerted by the Puritan divines in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

15.   They did exercise great influence.

16.   The great cultural influence came from the monastic settlements, where the Cistercian Order was most active.

17.   Beryl Smith, the first Coburg-trained teacher after Molly, had a great influence on the development of MEDAU BREATHING MOVEMENT in this country.

18.   Although Turabi has no official government position, he exercises great influence through the political party he heads, the National Islamic Front.

19.   And advocates say, if used in balance, day care can be a great influence on children.

20.   And have they made efforts in line with the great influence they have on society?

a. + influence >>共 850
political 7.63%
considerable 4.10%
strong 3.71%
growing 2.54%
great 2.45%
major 2.29%
enormous 1.85%
greater 1.79%
western 1.79%
undue 1.65%
great + n. >>共 1378
player 1.79%
job 1.29%
thing 1.15%
team 1.14%
success 1.10%
deal 1.03%
length 0.98%
time 0.93%
game 0.75%
opportunity 0.75%
influence 0.36%
每页显示:    共 137