11.   The Lebanese government pressured Syria, which reined in Hezbollah and, through US intervention, new rules of combat were agreed upon after six days.

12.   The kidnappers evidently singled out Westerners because they thought foreign governments would pressure the Indian government to release the jailed militants.

13.   The next day, Jaish denied responsibility, but it seemed likely the Pakistani government pressured the group to recant, Indian officials say.

14.   The U.S. government has pressured companies to leave the country because of alleged human rights violations by its military government.

15.   They prohibited workers from entering until the government pressured the sugar mill owners to give the farmers some of what was owed for their harvest.

16.   To right the imbalances, the new black government has pressured the better-endowed schools to diversify their student bodies.

17.   A commission statement said the organization regretted the changes in the document, but was more concerned that the Tunisian government pressured the judges to change their stand.

18.   And some businesses operating in Burma told reporters in Bangkok that the government was pressuring them to extend it loans in dollars.

19.   Dismayed at rowdy fans and decaying, half-empty stadiums, the government reportedly is pressuring soccer authorities to professionalize team ownership and management.

20.   Eitan said the aid also enabled U.S. governments to pressure Israel into making concessions in peace talks with the Arabs.

n. + pressure >>共 357
government 5.14%
official 4.84%
leader 2.72%
group 1.81%
forecast 1.71%
military 1.71%
community 1.71%
yen 1.71%
company 1.61%
administration 1.51%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
pressure 0.05%
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