11.   Late last month, Maseca said the government will delay until the third quarter a program that will increase competition in the subsidized corn tortilla market.

12.   Now the government is delaying scheduled union elections, effectively maintaining its freeze on associations that once were a forum for political activity.

13.   Still, there was concern that the government could delay the increase.

14.   Stocks fell amid reports that the government will delay compiling a supplementary budget to stimulate the economy, traders said.

15.   Telebras fell because the government has delayed the delivery of bill that will open the state-controlled telecommunications industry to greater competition.

16.   The Chinese government also delayed reports of apologies from the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

17.   The company said the government will delay implementing a program that will allow more competition in the market to supply corn tortilla makers.

18.   The confusion apparently arose immediately after the storm, when the U.S. government delayed deportations of undocumented Central Americans for humanitarian reasons.

19.   The government also delayed delivery of farm payments until just before the balloting, he said.

20.   The government has also delayed a decision to allow companies to buy back their own shares.

n. + delay >>共 685
rain 7.80%
government 4.59%
problem 2.82%
weather 2.69%
official 2.69%
company 2.43%
court 1.65%
judge 1.52%
administration 1.21%
leader 1.13%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
delay 0.10%
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