11.   But the government cannot appeal an acquittal, they noted.

12.   Evidently concerned, the government has appealed for the integration of Muslims.

13.   Home Secretary David Blunkett said that he was deeply disturbed by the ruling and that the government would appeal.

14.   If the ruling is upheld, the government will appeal to the Supreme Court, forcing a longer delay, he said.

15.   In Britain, Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that his government had appealed to China to let the ICO Global Challenge pass.

16.   Irene Feldman, an assistant district counsel for the Immigration and Naturalization Service, said that the government would probably appeal.

17.   Last spring, cigarette company officials succeeded in having a federal district judge strike down the proposal, and the government has appealed.

18.   Other federal officials refused to say whether the government would appeal.

19.   Puerto Rican Justice Secretary Anabelle Rodriguez said the Puerto Rican government would appeal the ruling, according to The Associated Press.

20.   President Bill Clinton said the government would appeal the advertising side of the ruling.

n. + appeal >>共 821
government 7.08%
company 5.29%
leader 3.44%
official 3.42%
prosecutor 3.02%
group 2.46%
lawyer 2.30%
police 2.10%
state 2.07%
side 1.68%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
appeal 0.25%
每页显示:    共 252