11.   The government alleges that he supplied intravenous chemotherapy solutions containing only a fraction of the drug potency prescribed by the physician.

12.   The government alleges that he was leaving classified material for his Russian contacts.

13.   The government alleges that members of the cult torched their own compound -- a finding inconsistent with much of the evidence.

14.   The government alleges that Microsoft engaged in attempted market collusion, illegally tying one product to another, exclusionary dealing and predatory pricing.

15.   The government alleges that Microsoft illegally sought to divide the market for browsers with Netscape, and, failing that, sought to use illegal tactics to destroy Netscape.

16.   The government alleged that Ferber was an agent of the municipalities he represented, and that his conduct as such violated federal law because the municipalities received federal funds.

17.   The government alleged that such information-sharing was anticompetitive and prevailed at trial.

18.   The government alleges that the men used money to be invested in an online casino to pay salaries to family members and support a lavish lifestyle.

19.   The government also alleged that a wholly-owned subsidiary, Dakota Coal Co., charged profit margins that exceeded those permitted under the government contract.

20.   The government has alleged only that Mrs. Cervantes took an illegal alien from Mexico, through an official entry, but not that the couple brought anyone from Sanford.

n. + allege >>共 392
prosecutor 12.68%
suit 7.65%
lawsuit 6.00%
report 3.86%
indictment 3.79%
government 3.43%
official 3.04%
prosecution 3.00%
authority 2.97%
police 2.93%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
allege 0.09%
每页显示:    共 95