11.   Ecevit also said the government would accelerate the sale of private sector banks taken into receivership, another IMF concern.

12.   He said the government must accelerate the pace of sales of public housing flats to tenants.

13.   In his statement Monday, Ecevit also said the government would accelerate the sale of private sector banks taken into receivership, another IMF concern.

14.   Schroeder said the EU governments must at long last accelerate fruitless talks about reforming the EU ahead of its enlargement into eastern Europe.

15.   The association wants the government to accelerate sales agreements so it can export an additional one million tons this year, Somboon said.

16.   The government also will accelerate home construction in New Providence and other Family Islands.

17.   -The government should accelerate the drafting of new laws following the new constitution to enable local communities to protect their own natural resources and the environment.

18.   The government will also accelerate the introduction of anti-dumping and counter-veiling duty laws.

19.   The Netanyahu government has also accelerated the construction of Jewish neighborhoods in the Arab-claimed Ras al-Amud and Har Homa areas of east Jerusalem.

20.   They chanted anti-government slogans and called on the government to accelerate and extend a push for greater democracy.

n. + accelerate >>共 381
inflation 28.29%
growth 8.74%
trend 2.94%
government 1.76%
economy 1.76%
process 1.62%
company 1.47%
pace 1.25%
decline 1.03%
driver 0.96%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
accelerate 0.02%
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