11.   It has governed my life and my thoughts more completely than ever I imagined work could.

12.   Life is governed by the unpredictability of Burgundy weather.

13.   Many others abandoned traditional ways in a desperate search for meaning in new lands devoid of traditional religious markers, such as shrines, that helped govern life.

14.   Not just any newbie, mind you, but the news-junky type, whose life is governed by the acquisition of information.

15.   Now, the two brothers exist at the extremes of the economic and political systems that govern their lives.

16.   People adopt different relationships with institutions that govern life.

17.   Skye became a hotbed of unrest, and an uprising by crofters in Glendale led to land reforms that still govern life on the island.

18.   The book of Leviticus sets out literally hundreds of laws and regulations governing the life of ancient Israel.

19.   The clocks that govern our lives are not all on our walls or on our wrists.

20.   The speaker of the House shares the principles that have governed his life and the lessons he has learned along the way.

v. + life >>共 671
save 9.81%
live 4.34%
change 4.24%
face 2.72%
risk 2.57%
have 2.50%
take 2.50%
claim 2.46%
improve 1.89%
lose 1.85%
govern 0.18%
govern + n. >>共 732
country 4.36%
use 2.32%
state 1.84%
conduct 1.84%
body 1.60%
sale 1.60%
life 1.50%
city 1.31%
province 1.21%
trade 1.21%
每页显示:    共 31