11.   By May the soft greens of spring darken and the freshness of the garden gives way to headier scents and fragrances.

12.   Doubtless when it reopens, its current hesitancy will give way to the customary hectoring manner.

13.   Dry desert gave way to blue lagoons full of water lilies, palm trees, islands and deep blue lakes.

14.   Feeling the ground give way, she naturally clutched at the strawberry plants for support.

15.   For the ordinary viewer, logical argument gives way to his or her gut reactions and personal experience in responding to people.

16.   Forecasters said the day would be cloudy early but give way to a partly sunny and breezy afternoon.

17.   Frequently, people throw water in front of their doors, and the dust gives way to mud and malodorous fumes.

18.   Giving way to her grief, Anna burst into tears.

19.   Great areas of grass and woodland thus give way to mesquite desert, at an awesome economic loss to man.

v. + way >>共 454
find 16.63%
make 8.67%
give 6.26%
have 5.46%
pave 5.22%
change 3.45%
clear 3.43%
lead 2.96%
discuss 2.79%
open 1.89%
give + n. >>共 870
detail 9.82%
way 3.40%
name 2.50%
reason 2.44%
indication 1.91%
money 1.61%
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