11.   What therapy could be given on such a scale?

12.   When Santa starts giving therapy instead of toys, something is wrong.

13.   During her hospitalization last August, Mother Teresa was given electric therapy for repeated heart failures but her irregular heart rhythm had persisted, doctors said.

14.   Mother Teresa was given electric therapy in August for repeated heart failures but her irregular heart rhythm had persisted, doctors said.

v. + therapy >>共 211
undergo 12.85%
use 7.13%
receive 6.93%
begin 3.82%
develop 3.21%
need 2.81%
seek 2.51%
get 2.31%
start 2.21%
provide 2.21%
give 1.41%
give + n. >>共 870
detail 9.82%
way 3.40%
name 2.50%
reason 2.44%
indication 1.91%
money 1.61%
information 1.42%
rise 1.36%
credit 1.35%
approval 1.34%
therapy 0.02%
每页显示:    共 14