11.   Little is known about the doses that will cause genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

12.   Millions of women, he notes, terminate their pregnancies after tests turn up genetic abnormalities.

13.   New research shows that a genetic abnormality causes a significant proportion of spinal disk disease.

14.   Ms. Saporta talked of the wrenching emotional quandary for families with wanted pregnancies, whose second-trimester fetuses are found to have life-threatening genetic abnormalities.

15.   No genetic abnormalities associated with inbreeding have been noted, even though the population began with a small number of animals.

16.   Teenage males who smoke cigarettes appear to be risking sperm damage that can cause genetic abnormalities in their children, researchers said Thursday.

17.   The disease lends itself to gene therapy because most of the patients have a genetic abnormality called a Philadelphia chromosome, which triggers cancerous changes in stem cells.

18.   They seem normal but, as the cells divide, genetic abnormalities appear unpredictably among future generations.

19.   When a woman knows that her fetus has Down syndrome or another genetic abnormality, she then has the option to terminate the pregnancy.

20.   Others were more skeptical that manufactured eggs could produce healthy babies anytime soon, saying the technique would likely create gross genetic abnormalities.

a. + abnormality >>共 125
genetic 11.73%
congenital 7.49%
chromosomal 3.91%
severe 3.26%
structural 3.26%
physical 2.28%
apparent 1.63%
fetal 1.63%
electrocardiographic 1.63%
same 1.63%
genetic + n. >>共 576
material 7.88%
test 4.66%
information 4.23%
mutation 3.34%
defect 3.01%
research 2.98%
disease 2.83%
disorder 2.12%
makeup 1.96%
analysis 1.66%
abnormality 0.92%
每页显示:    共 36