11.   The most shining revival is the gazing globe, a metallic glass orb set atop a pedestal and placed on a lawn or in the garden.

12.   The shiny gazing globe, typically with a smooth surface, also comes in textured patterns.

13.   The world-renowned Butchart Gardens near Victoria has long displayed a silver gazing globe near its formal rose garden.

14.   Tony garden magazines began featuring gazing globes several years ago, paving the way for their rehabilitated image.

15.   Ultimately, the appeal of gazing globes depends on weaving them into the garden design.

16.   With care, a gazing globe should last for years, said Zenor.

a. + globe >>共 94
gazing 9.64%
entire 5.42%
giant 4.22%
spinning 4.22%
large 2.41%
golden 2.41%
little 1.81%
frosted 1.81%
huge 1.81%
green 1.81%
gazing + n. >>共 5
globe 55.17%
ball 24.14%
out 10.34%
back 6.90%
distance 3.45%
每页显示:    共 16