11.   But the companies sued, stalling the hearings while they gathered signatures on petitions to overturn the court decision at the polls.

12.   California, unlike Texas, has a referendum system, which allows citizens to gather signatures to petition for an election on proposed laws such as the Unz initiative.

13.   Candidates can appear on the ballot in some districts, but not in others, depending on how many signatures are gathered and whether they withstand challenges.

14.   Candidates have been using the newly drawn map to gather signatures for nominating petitions.

15.   Civic organizations gathered enough signatures to hold a national referendum on the matter, but the vote was blocked by Congress.

16.   Enough signatures have been gathered to put the proposal on the fall ballot.

17.   Gathering signatures was a slow and difficult process.

18.   Hanging over their deliberations, citizens gathered enough signatures for a November referendum on repealing the test program outright.

19.   He said hundreds already have stepped forward with offers to gather signatures, make donations or provide other assistance.

v. + signature >>共 190
collect 16.44%
gather 10.24%
forge 5.07%
put 4.14%
get 3.93%
have 3.52%
bear 2.79%
require 2.07%
add 1.86%
verify 1.86%
gather + n. >>共 706
information 15.45%
evidence 8.84%
datum 4.80%
momentum 3.01%
steam 2.88%
intelligence 2.61%
signature 2.46%
support 2.46%
dust 2.41%
strength 2.39%
每页显示:    共 98