11.   These data support the validity of classifying the two different grades of gastric MALT lymphoma.

12.   This association means that primary gastric MALT lymphoma can develop as a second neoplasm or that other neoplasms can occur in both treated and untreated patients with gastric lymphoma.

13.   Despite the slow non-aggresive course of gastric lymphoma, these patients behave as immunocompromised subjects who may eventually develop immunodeficiency-related secondary neoplasias.

14.   Most gastric lymphomas are large cell lymphomas of B cell lineage.

15.   Primary small cell gastric lymphomas are less frequent and are usually localised, solitary lesions that can be completely excised.

16.   This observation illustrates the usefulness of endosonography in the staging of low grade gastric lymphoma.

17.   Our results show that low grade gastric MALT lymphoma can be readily diagnosed on the basis of biopsy specimens.

18.   Involvement of other mucosal sites preceded, coincided with, or followed the manifestations of the gastric lymphoma.

19.   Thus, in our experience, monochemotherapy is appropriate for low grade, gastric MALT lymphomas.

20.   In conclusion, our findings show that low grade, gastric MALT lymphoma can always be diagnosed on the basis of both fixed and fresh endoscopic biopsy specimens.

a. + lymphoma >>共 21
gastric 42.86%
aids-related 12.24%
developing 4.08%
low-grade 4.08%
primary 4.08%
aids-associated 2.04%
benign 2.04%
diffuse 2.04%
experimental 2.04%
extranodal 2.04%
gastric + n. >>共 138
mucosa 11.64%
secretion 10.23%
metaplasia 7.80%
cancer 6.27%
cell 3.07%
lymphoma 2.69%
surgery 2.30%
acid 2.17%
body 2.17%
biopsy 2.17%
每页显示:    共 21