11.   The central image is of a man in full control of himself and determined to enjoy the experience.

12.   It should, he said, decide on its own security links without external constraints and have full control over all its territory.

13.   We might say that anyone who has had full control over the manufacture of a defective product has a responsibility to compensate those injured by it.

14.   Full control requires thirty five seats which would be a swing of one and a half per cent to the Conservatives or six to Labour.

15.   But Quakers regained full control and could have added more.

16.   He takes full control in November, but he still has no idea of his budget.

17.   Although the Russian president is notoriously unpredictable and could change his mind again, he appears to have turned full control of government actions over to Chernomyrdin.

18.   And in six years, Northwest will have full control, without having paid the other shareholders anything.

19.   And the Kurdish Democratic Party took full control of the taxing and smuggling of oil into Turkey, keeping all the money to itself.

20.   Arafat, regrettably, showed no interest in this proposal, holding out for full control of all areas of the city formerly under Jordanian rule.

a. + control >>共 661
full 4.08%
palestinian 3.60%
israeli 3.26%
state 3.22%
tight 2.97%
complete 2.62%
strict 2.45%
total 2.14%
greater 1.93%
local 1.88%
full + n. >>共 1075
day 2.19%
year 2.08%
control 1.63%
season 1.47%
support 1.42%
strength 1.38%
swing 1.30%
recovery 1.26%
force 1.17%
range 1.16%
每页显示:    共 485