11.   By the time the front moves across the summit, it has literally exhausted itself.

12.   Cloudy weather will cover most areas from the Mississippi Valley to the East Coast as a cool front moves slowly through the East.

13.   Drier air will arrive across the Northeast on Tuesday as a cool front moves off the East Coast.

14.   Early clouds and a few sprinkles near the Northeast coast will yield to increasing sunshine as a front moves slowly east off the Atlantic Seaboard.

15.   However, a front moving slowly south from Canada will cause clouds and patchy rain from the northern Great Lakes to extreme northern New England.

16.   In Florida, isolated thunderstorms will form in conjunction with sea-breeze fronts moving inland from the Gulf and Atlantic coasts.

17.   Numerous showers will continue in the Northeast on Wednesday as a complex front moves slowly northward into New England.

18.   Sunshine will be plentiful in the Southeast but clouds will increase farther north as a front moves slowly south through New England and the eastern Great Lakes.

19.   The Carolina coast and southern Florida will stay dull part of the time as a front moves out to sea.

20.   The front had moved beyond the Saar River into Germany.

n. + move >>共 1364
family 3.49%
company 2.43%
government 2.40%
price 1.97%
police 1.83%
troop 1.75%
people 1.72%
stock 1.48%
dollar 1.37%
force 1.37%
front 0.25%
front + v. >>共 241
be 16.37%
move 5.62%
bring 4.30%
approach 3.70%
stall 2.75%
push 2.75%
remain 2.27%
become 2.15%
have 1.67%
reach 1.55%
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