11.   He added that no decision had been made about the disposition of the monastery property, but that the accounts were frozen only temporarily, to allow for consolidation.

12.   If the banks respond affirmatively, the authorities may then order the accounts frozen.

13.   If one is stolen, and the account is frozen, you have another way to feed and house yourself.

14.   India charged that the groups had plenty of notice to move their money out of accounts in their own names before the accounts were frozen.

15.   Instead, the bankruptcy judge declared the bank in contempt of court for freezing the account without advance permission.

16.   Investigating magistrates in Geneva froze the accounts between June and October of last year.

17.   It has threatened to freeze the accounts of United Energy Systems, the electrical monopoly run by reformer Anatoly Chubais, to force it to begin paying up.

18.   It froze the accounts of the Frankel Fund.

19.   Kidder has frozen his accounts.

20.   Mexico has asked the Swiss banking authorities to freeze the accounts.

v. + account >>共 561
take 9.17%
open 6.61%
give 5.51%
confirm 3.38%
have 3.25%
handle 3.12%
freeze 2.90%
use 2.04%
set_up 1.95%
dispute 1.71%
freeze + n. >>共 570
asset 15.87%
account 5.33%
construction 2.54%
fund 2.30%
talk 2.14%
relation 2.10%
aid 2.06%
rate 1.49%
wage 1.49%
salary 1.45%
每页显示:    共 131