11.   Free shipping.

12.   Free overnight shipping!

13.   Free shipping, considered a relic that helped kill many Internet companies during their profligate days, is back in force this year.

14.   Gift suggestion lists, basic gift wrapping and free shipping are some of the offerings.

15.   In hopes of boosting their prospects during a challenging holiday shopping season, online retailers are resorting to discounts, free shipping and big advertising budgets.

16.   In December, for instance, many sites offered free shipping and deep discounts that undercut prices at their very own brick-and-mortar stores.

17.   Many sites are offering holiday discounts or free shipping.

18.   She also finds that retailers like Banana Republic often offer online-only deals or free shipping in order to bring in shoppers.

19.   Some sites offer free shipping.

20.   So the savvy cyberconsumer can find sites selling all sorts of items at or below cost, or with free shipping or all sorts of other giveaways.

a. + shipping >>共 98
direct 16.32%
free 11.11%
commercial 6.60%
international 5.90%
merchant 5.21%
overnight 3.82%
limited 3.13%
cross-strait 2.43%
coastal 2.43%
intermodal 1.39%
free + n. >>共 1035
market 7.36%
time 4.30%
safety 3.49%
access 2.67%
election 2.39%
movement 1.91%
service 1.84%
press 1.67%
expression 1.33%
ticket 1.29%
shipping 0.20%
每页显示:    共 32