11.   Freak show?

12.   Freak shows are legal.

13.   He ends up working for Don Rickles in a carnival freak show before plucking out his eyes.

14.   He is not a poof, a wild card, a verbal freak show, a mentalist who can bend spoons.

15.   He is still a star here not merely a freak show or a train wreck waiting to happen.

16.   His group has saved them from roadside zoos and freak shows, animal shelters and pet farms, and research laboratories.

17.   I looked like a freak show.

18.   However, and luckily for this undead comedy-horror-philosophical freak show, an unexpectedly fine cast keeps all the supernatural shenanigans on a compelling level.

19.   I wanted things to be more than a freak show.

20.   In his big-screen starring debut, talk-show ringleader Jerry Springer makes a sad attempt to defend his real-life personal freak show.

n. + show >>共 541
television 9.42%
radio 5.84%
trade 4.63%
fashion 3.98%
gun 3.91%
record 3.14%
news 2.64%
air 2.23%
poll 2.17%
award 2.16%
freak 0.44%
freak + n. >>共 68
accident 30.46%
show 12.67%
storm 7.28%
injury 7.01%
snowstorm 5.66%
occurrence 3.23%
thing 2.70%
condition 2.16%
wave 1.89%
goal 1.62%
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