11.   But the Belarusian opposition and international observers said the constitutional changes were marred by fraud and has never recognized the results.

12.   If fraud mars this vote, the opposition has warned that civil war could resume.

13.   It was at least the sixth Florida election, and one of dozens across the country, marred by fraud over the past decade.

14.   Members of the opposition Democratic Revolution Party held a peaceful march earlier Sunday, saying they would not recognize the official results, believing they were marred by fraud.

15.   Others continue to be marred by fraud, often by local officials who control nominations or outright buy votes.

16.   The opposition charged the polls were marred by fraud.

17.   The opposition believes the polls were marred by fraud.

18.   UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi claimed the elections were marred by fraud.

19.   Fraud also marred the first round of voting.

20.   Fraud also marred the elections, with some people voting several times, the parties complained.

n. + mar >>共 197
violence 19.84%
incident 4.72%
allegation 4.23%
charge 3.74%
fraud 3.74%
irregularity 2.93%
clash 2.76%
dispute 2.76%
report 1.95%
tragedy 1.95%
fraud + v. >>共 108
be 44.80%
mar 4.60%
occur 3.60%
take 3.20%
taint 2.60%
involve 2.60%
become 2.00%
cost 1.40%
obtain 1.40%
include 1.20%
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