11.   The Formosan subterranean termite, the so-called supertermite, forms enormous and voracious colonies that can eat your house in a few short years.

12.   There is no evidence that the Formosan termite has surfaced in Los Angeles County, said county entomologist Rosser Garrison.

13.   While they currently are going gangbusters mostly in moist climates, Formosan termites could theoretically survive farther north, including Missouri and Kansas.

a. + termite >>共 40
formosan 20.63%
subterranean 14.29%
dead 3.17%
metal-eating 3.17%
swarming 3.17%
artificial 1.59%
bellicose 1.59%
breeding 1.59%
controlling 1.59%
do-it-yourself 1.59%
每页显示:    共 13