11.   She was helped into a pair of shoes for the forced removal.

12.   Soudien said the Dutch royals knew the history and context of the forced removals.

13.   The forced removals, which began without warning, demonstrated how tension has increased around Kukes a month after the first wave of refugees arrived from Kosovo.

14.   The forced removals demonstrated how tension has increased around Kukes a month after the first wave of refugees arrived from Kosovo.

15.   They were given land in the former Bophuthatswana homeland as compensation, but lost their cattle, sheep and goats in the forced removal.

16.   They, too, were stifled by apartheid, subjected to forced removals and other humiliations because they were not white.

17.   They claim to have fled persecution by Vietnamese authorities after resisting attempts at forced removal from highlands they had occupied for decades.

18.   While Franquin said the UNHCR would protest the forced removals, it also understood the desire of Kukes authorities to clear out as many refugees as possible.

19.   - Freedom of association is protected, as is freedom of movement and residence -- a specific protection against the forced removals that took place under apartheid.

20.   The plan also repeals a law passed earlier this year that requires the forced removal of all military service members infected with the AIDS virus.

a. + removal >>共 170
surgical 8.76%
asbestos 5.84%
immediate 5.62%
forced 4.72%
easy 2.92%
complete 2.47%
possible 2.47%
total 2.47%
recent 1.57%
lead 1.35%
forced + n. >>共 441
labor 16.39%
repatriation 7.53%
entry 5.71%
laborer 3.42%
abortion 2.51%
fumble 2.46%
resignation 2.37%
labour 2.19%
expulsion 2.01%
prostitution 1.83%
removal 0.96%
每页显示:    共 21