11.   He found that extreme amounts of forced overtime are imposed on Vietnamese workers.

12.   He said he had been denied exemption from forced overtime because he had no airplane ticket to prove his travel plans, but had taken the driving trip anyway.

13.   Hundreds of workers, including those who drive trucks, install lines, repair lines and answer phones, called for the company to eliminate forced overtime.

14.   Many workers are single parents, and this forced overtime is a nightmare.

15.   Multiple investigations of overseas contractor factories have found abuses such as seven-day workweeks, forced overtime, the use of child labor and hazardous working conditions.

16.   Recent studies blame patient overloads and forced overtime for driving nurses out of hospital work and making the profession less attractive to young people.

17.   She would like the union and company to agree on measures to reduce stress and forced overtime.

18.   Stewart found Parker for the touchdown and two-point conversion that forced overtime.

19.   The television commercials will focus on the issue of forced overtime, the one to which the union feels the public will be most sympathetic.

20.   The unions won assurances that fewer jobs could be transferred than the company originally had sought and guaranteed more flexibility and less forced overtime.

a. + overtime >>共 163
second 9.69%
first 9.08%
mandatory 8.31%
double 8.15%
forced 5.08%
working 3.85%
triple 3.69%
consecutive 2.77%
excessive 2.77%
voluntary 2.77%
forced + n. >>共 441
labor 16.39%
repatriation 7.53%
entry 5.71%
laborer 3.42%
abortion 2.51%
fumble 2.46%
resignation 2.37%
labour 2.19%
expulsion 2.01%
prostitution 1.83%
overtime 1.51%
每页显示:    共 33