11.   Peace force commanders turned down a request by the Bosnian military to stage a small parade Thursday to mark the visit to Sarajevo of Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan.

12.   Peace force commanders turned down a request by the Bosnian military to stage a small parade Thursday to mark the visit to Sarajevo of Crown Prince Hassan.

13.   Peace force commanders continue to deny that their mandate has changed.

14.   A national crisis erupted last week when Chan fired the defense force commander and accused him of treason for openly opposing the mercenary plan.

15.   According to the Botswana Guardian newspaper, defense force commander Lt. Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama said Thursday the planes would be delivered in September.

16.   After Singirok was fired as defense force commander during the March rebellion, Nuia subsequently got the job.

17.   After the vote, Fowler said the force commander, Canadian Lt. Gen. Maurice Baril, would be establishing a headquarters in eastern Zaire in about one week.

18.   Australian Maj. Gen. Peter Cosgrove, the peace force commander, said he would propose creating a zone along the poorly marked border to keep the forces apart.

19.   Brig. Gen. Henry Anyidoho, the deputy U.N. force commander, said the army had agreed to stay back and let the United Nations evacuate the school.

20.   Brig. Gen. Henry Anyidoho, the deputy U.N. force commander, said the army had agreed to stay back and allow the United Nations to evacuate the compound.

n. + commander >>共 236
army 16.61%
rebel 13.40%
police 11.86%
field 8.07%
deputy 5.89%
guerrilla 3.90%
alliance 3.02%
security 2.48%
force 2.18%
government 1.77%
force + n. >>共 520
wind 8.20%
commander 6.13%
member 4.98%
spokesman 3.52%
soldier 2.25%
official 2.13%
troop 2.06%
personnel 1.58%
headquarters 1.40%
level 1.34%
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