11.   Black-eyed peas are extremely versatile, as evident in the following recipes.

12.   A few months later, I discovered the following recipe for refrigerator pickles.

13.   A search through our files and cookbooks found no recipe for cantaloupe cobbler, but we did find the following recipe for fruit cobbler.

14.   A number of you, including Chris Orth, responded with slight variations of the following recipe from her Rival crockpot cookbook.

15.   All it requires is the following recipe, which calls for adding lots of salt called natron, which is found along the Nile River.

16.   Bucking the trend of Jell-O salad and mushroom soup casseroles, Jenny Trapani of Arlington sends in the following recipe.

17.   But along comes the following recipe from Linda Lou Moore of Fort Worth, Texas.

18.   But then we received the following recipe from Geraldine Hall of De Leon, Texas.

19.   Finally, for the main course, try the following recipe.

20.   For Anita Lindsay, two readers sent in the following recipe for a corn pudding containing sour cream but no eggs.

a. + recipe >>共 552
following 4.86%
favorite 4.07%
traditional 2.88%
new 2.77%
family 2.77%
original 2.60%
first 2.60%
requested 2.54%
simple 2.26%
good 2.15%
following + n. >>共 926
year 17.60%
day 17.28%
week 7.14%
month 4.38%
morning 3.04%
story 2.47%
season 2.04%
gain 1.65%
spring 1.19%
recipe 1.08%
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