11.   Folk wisdom has it that dandelion greens are good for the blood, high in vitamins and an aid to digestion.

12.   One of the earliest forms of folk wisdom, the riddle is explored in all its variations.

13.   Our immigrant ancestors passed on bits of various ancient folk wisdoms, common sense and the kind of self-trust that becomes ingrained in a people over centuries.

14.   That history, some researchers now think, is deeply ingrained in our psyches and in our folk wisdom.

15.   The ambivalence is even reflected in the attempts to predict the luckiness or unluckiness of the New Year based on Chinese folk wisdom.

16.   That was the folk wisdom of females when I was young.

17.   The continuing folk wisdom is that the Yankees are feeble and ancient and about to fall to the youthful pranksters from Oakland.

18.   There is a folk wisdom in the public that knows what is fair and best for the integrity of our system.

19.   There is plenty of medical evidence to back up the folk wisdom that hotter is better.

20.   This apparently holds in relationships between humans, too, despite the folk wisdom about opposites attracting.

a. + wisdom >>共 299
conventional 55.75%
common 3.80%
prevailing 2.66%
accepted 2.39%
political 2.17%
popular 1.74%
received 1.63%
folk 1.19%
traditional 1.03%
collective 0.98%
folk + n. >>共 219
hero 20.66%
tales 6.15%
tune 3.08%
wisdom 2.71%
festival 2.46%
costume 2.34%
tradition 2.21%
healer 2.21%
remedy 2.09%
musician 1.85%
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