11.   These ingredients also are said to speed fluid absorption from the stomach into the bloodstream, making dehydration less likely.

12.   As water is scarce, fluids like Gatorade Thirst Quencher are helpful since this type of beverage fosters rapid fluid absorption.

a. + absorption >>共 67
intestinal 10.22%
fluid 8.76%
net 5.84%
atomic 5.11%
increased 4.38%
full 2.92%
poor 2.92%
systemic 2.92%
total 2.92%
fat 2.19%
fluid + n. >>共 276
motion 3.79%
transport 3.31%
buildup 3.15%
retention 3.15%
loss 2.84%
movement 2.52%
situation 2.52%
intake 2.37%
secretion 2.05%
absorption 1.89%
每页显示:    共 12