11.   Few cases of flag desecration have been reported since the high court rulings.

12.   Feinstein supported the line-item veto, sanctions against Cuba, and a constitutional amendment to ban flag desecration.

13.   Flag desecration or flag burning in a political context is both an act of dissent and a statement.

14.   Flag desecration?

15.   Flag desecrations have never been numerous, he concedes.

16.   Foster SOUTH CAROLINA -- XXXX TENNESSEE -- XXXX TEXAS -- XXXX WASHINGTON -- XXXX WISCONSIN -- Sen. Russell D. Feingold hears testimony on a proposal to criminalize flag desecration.

17.   Ha -- FLAG -- Local House members explain their positions on a proposed Constitutional amendment to ban flag desecration.

18.   He also supports a constitutional ban on flag desecration.

19.   Hazard -- FLAG -- Local House members explain their positions on a proposed Constitutional amendment to ban flag desecration.

20.   He added that wearing a flag tie would not be considered flag desecration.

n. + desecration >>共 7
flag 85.71%
cemetery 4.76%
resident 3.17%
corpse 1.59%
graveyard 1.59%
mother 1.59%
wolf 1.59%
flag + n. >>共 254
carrier 15.97%
desecration 5.39%
issue 4.39%
pole 3.89%
flying 3.59%
supporter 2.89%
bearer 2.40%
football 2.30%
pin 2.00%
ceremony 1.90%
每页显示:    共 54