11.   The first concerns the dominant vogue of multiculturalism, which Lind treats as an unmitigated calamity.

12.   The first concerned Carl and a coleus which he accidentally broke off last evening.

13.   The first concerns the sale of high-quality aviation fuel to a Greek company.

14.   The first concerned the caution administered on Harun which Karpal contended was not explained to his client, while the second was on accomplices.

15.   The first concerns the British textile industry and its relationship to slavery.

16.   The first concerns the timing of the crisis.

17.   -- The first concerns effective control of the delivery of humanitarian supplies throughout Iraq to ensure equitable and universal distribution.

18.   The first concerned the right of the court to answer the WHO.

19.   The first concerns the treatment of the sick and injured among the armed forces, the second deals with naval personnel and the fourth the protection of civilians.

20.   The first concerned the supply of arms to Angola by a defence contractor connected to his ministry, in defiance of sanctions.

n. + concern >>共 617
issue 3.98%
question 3.06%
case 2.93%
report 2.22%
story 1.69%
decision 1.63%
dispute 1.56%
problem 1.50%
first 1.37%
most 1.11%
first + v. >>共 435
be 56.29%
come 3.67%
involve 1.55%
time 1.11%
have 0.93%
set 0.86%
visit 0.79%
take 0.79%
concern 0.75%
go 0.65%
每页显示:    共 21