11.   Chaplain Hooper said so many firefighters arrived from other cities to help that some had to be sent home.

12.   Day was seen at the scene of eight arson-caused fires, even before police and firefighters arrived, according to a Chandler police report released Tuesday.

13.   Dispatchers instructed Soto how to give the boy cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and he appeared to be breathing again by the time firefighters arrived, she said.

14.   Even before they reached the street, they said, firefighters were arriving, racing upstairs to search for victims and evacuate the building.

15.   Emergency Medical Services Capt. Ted Garza said that when the firefighters arrived, they found no pulse on the child.

16.   Firefighters arrived to find the Grand Am and the first car of the train ablaze, Chief Reid Sakowich of the New Hyde Park Fire Department said.

17.   Firefighters arrived three minutes later, he said.

18.   Firefighters arrived quickly and the fire was out in minutes, before it spread.

19.   Firefighters arrived within minutes but found heavy fire already raging on all three floors of the building, officials said.

20.   Firefighters arrived in time to save the house.

n. + arrive >>共 998
police 5.84%
team 3.13%
delegation 1.77%
troop 1.63%
officer 1.48%
air 1.20%
official 1.16%
plane 1.15%
soldier 1.05%
leader 1.05%
firefighter 0.86%
firefighter + v. >>共 462
say 8.62%
be 7.78%
arrive 4.33%
have 3.27%
battle 2.86%
find 2.61%
extinguish 2.13%
try 1.94%
work 1.94%
suffer 1.91%
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