11.   Findings show that A-levels continue to play a dominant role in regulating entry to Higher Education.

12.   The findings showed the Anglo-Saxon nave was as wide and as long and almost as high as the present one, which was built by the Normans.

13.   But the findings showed the Anglo-Saxon nave was as wide and as long and almost as high as the present Norman one.

14.   Boeing said that it welcomed the findings and would correct the problems, but said the findings showed that safety was not affected.

15.   A spokesman for Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew said the Health Department findings showed that most schools were doing a good job.

16.   But he agreed that the new findings showed that the rule is by no means an invariable law of nature.

17.   But new findings show that girls have surpassed boys in most of the technical classes offered in middle school and high school.

18.   But recent findings have shown that new brain cells are continually created from neural stem cells, at least in certain regions of the brain.

19.   But the new findings show that there are likely to be many variations of the disease, stemming from many different causes.

20.   But these latest findings show that for some people, lasting benefit may be as elusive as ever.

n. + show >>共 854
poll 8.82%
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result 1.61%
finding 0.26%
finding + v. >>共 359
be 27.39%
suggest 6.78%
have 3.46%
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indicate 3.00%
come 2.86%
help 2.82%
lead 2.65%
mean 1.87%
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