11.   Eventually, his findings helped propel a worldwide drive to ban the oceanic dumping of sewage.

12.   Glaser said the findings could help convince hospitals that reducing stress can improve patient care and even shorten their stays, which would lower costs.

13.   Harris and Semaw said the new findings could help scientists assess rival hypotheses proposed for the beginning of tool manufacturing.

14.   His findings will help the court rule on a request to overturn the convictions of Harold Everett and his wife, Idella.

15.   If confirmed, the findings may help reduce the time that premature babies spend in the hospital before going home.

16.   In an article published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine, the investigators said their finding might help explain a puzzling observation about this drug.

17.   Its findings will help write guidelines for use of the therapy.

18.   On-site findings are helping to round out the picture.

19.   Other findings could help neurologically impaired people use alternate structures in their brains to learn tasks.

20.   Ruvkun also believes that the finding helps explain why mice and rats fed low-calorie diets live much longer.

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finding + v. >>共 359
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