11.   But that changed after she found the courage to reconcile with the man who made her that way, who sexually abused her.

12.   Close aides found the courage to tell Milosevic that he should not reject this deal only to accept a worse one later.

13.   Find the courage to act.

14.   Famous thinkers like Danish existentialist Soren Kierkegaard and American theologian Paul Tillich helped him understand his own faith and find courage at difficult moments.

15.   He figured where better to find the courage to overcome the greatest challenge of his life?

16.   His work is very good, but he can rarely find the courage to pick up a brush.

17.   How do we find the courage to keep going when wrestling with malevolence less spectacular than what killed Trudy Calabrese?

18.   I caught up with her to ask why it is that sometimes when you finally find the courage to warble, the eyes sting and the throat closes.

19.   I was equally glad not to have had to face finding the courage to go farther.

20.   In a series of interviews, the Star-Telegram talked to North Texas residents who have found the courage to forgive.

v. + courage >>共 120
have 35.27%
show 9.38%
take 6.18%
find 4.39%
lack 4.16%
praise 3.80%
muster 3.68%
give 2.61%
admire 2.38%
gather 1.66%
find + n. >>共 1111
way 10.77%
body 4.59%
evidence 3.12%
job 2.32%
work 1.71%
solution 1.51%
place 1.01%
buyer 0.83%
bomb 0.72%
home 0.69%
courage 0.07%
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