11.   And it was also uncertain Sunday night what the final votes would be.

12.   Archer and other Republican leaders said they planned to move the bill to the House and Senate floors for a final vote Thursday and Friday, respectively.

13.   As a result, predictions of the final vote tend to be haphazard.

14.   As it moved toward its final vote Friday, the Senate approved several amendments to the tax bill.

15.   As the final votes are counted for the incoming president, ABC and PBS are making plans for coverage of Bill Clinton.

16.   As the Senate prepares for its final vote on campaign finance reform, even the experts are confounded.

17.   At the end of the transition, Congress would take a final vote on admission and Puerto Rico would become a state.

18.   Before the final vote could be tallied, the session temporarily degenerated into a bizarre sideshow surrounding vehement alternative-fuel defender Rep. Debra Brimhall, R-Pinedale.

19.   Before the final vote Tuesday, members will have the opportunity to choose among four alternative versions of the amendment.

20.   Before the final vote, conservationist provisions sought by moderates were added to limit catches and to control the wasteful killing of fish in shrimp nets.

a. + vote >>共 555
final 6.59%
popular 4.76%
electoral 3.18%
presidential 2.62%
the 2.42%
first 2.13%
parliamentary 2.07%
unanimous 1.94%
new 1.85%
single 1.66%
final + n. >>共 723
decision 5.81%
game 3.56%
round 3.42%
day 3.06%
minute 2.66%
result 2.28%
approval 2.26%
year 1.46%
report 1.46%
vote 1.43%
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