11.   Course qualification gives exemption from the final examination of the Landscape Institute.

12.   Students return to Edinburgh in the fourth year to take further advanced courses appropriate to their final examinations.

13.   All honours candidates have to undertake a research project and submit a report on this as part of the final examination.

14.   The Board sets the final examination from a detailed syllabus available from the NEBE.

15.   This folder must be available to be presented to the NEBE at the time of the final theoretical examination.

16.   On the successful completion of all module tests and the final theoretical examination, application can be made for the practical part of the examination.

17.   These results suggest that unqualified mature students do not perform as well in their final examinations as qualified mature students or for that matter standard entry students.

18.   She will be accompanied on the year-long exercise by colleagues from Bristol University, where she has just completed her final examination for a zoology degree.

19.   And many an undergraduate has sweated through a political science or English final examination when the gymnasium floor was turned into a makeshift testing room.

20.   After Friday, students and teachers will be allowed to enter their departments only for final examinations, with their identity documents checked at the door.

a. + examination >>共 451
medical 15.10%
further 4.93%
closer 4.73%
cross 3.15%
thorough 3.04%
close 2.76%
psychiatric 2.33%
detailed 2.21%
final 2.17%
preliminary 2.01%
final + n. >>共 723
decision 5.81%
game 3.56%
round 3.42%
day 3.06%
minute 2.66%
result 2.28%
approval 2.26%
year 1.46%
report 1.46%
vote 1.43%
examination 0.11%
每页显示:    共 55