11.   Republicans look less than heartbroken as they line up at the buffet and fill their plates.

12.   Served with good fries, it fills a plate and would seem to be the perfect dish to eat while watching a rock band perform.

13.   Since many Americans like to fill their plates with a variety of cheeses, the habit of red wine may be hard to shake.

14.   Stars and their entourage filled their plates, taking seats at long, picnic-bench tables on a porch out back.

15.   The assembled astronomers had barely filled their plates and sat down when, to my amazement, they burst into song.

16.   The food chain that fills those plates has become unimaginably intricate.

17.   The industry is pushing to fill that plate with more legal games and fewer hassles for customers.

18.   We filled plates with black beans, rice, yuca and plantains, and splashed garlicky mojo over the pork and licked our fingers.

19.   You can flavor some and roll some, and then bake the cookies at different temperatures to fill a plate with variety.

20.   Giuliani later filled a plate with prime rib and green beans and sat to eat with five firefighters.

v. + plate >>共 347
serve 9.33%
cross 5.18%
have 3.06%
use 2.67%
clean 2.35%
block 2.12%
place 1.96%
put 1.88%
remove 1.88%
fill 1.80%
fill + n. >>共 700
gap 4.70%
void 4.30%
air 3.94%
room 2.46%
seat 2.32%
vacancy 2.17%
role 2.11%
street 2.11%
position 2.04%
hole 2.02%
plate 0.20%
每页显示:    共 23