11.   In their feeding grounds, they fatten up on prey like sand eels and capelin, small smelt-like fish.

12.   More than half of them will choose the Caribbean as the force feeding ground.

13.   Other fish avoid spawning as grilse, instead staying on the feeding grounds for two or three years and earning the full designation of salmon.

14.   Out of that came state limits on how far boats must stay from the whales as well as protection for their feeding ground.

15.   That kind of environment is the perfect feeding ground for bears, of course.

16.   The buildings have become feeding grounds for drug dealers, prostitutes and pimps.

17.   The cattle are in full gallop toward another feeding ground.

18.   The whales migrate along the East Coast in fall from summer feeding grounds in northern waters to the calving grounds.

19.   The whales will be departing shortly for their summer feeding grounds off New England and Newfoundland.

20.   There are some carnival rides and an elephant show that is quite tacky, but the heart of the zoo is the two-part feeding grounds.

a. + ground >>共 1305
new 5.71%
higher 3.65%
training 3.00%
fertile 2.73%
lost 2.63%
humanitarian 2.45%
legal 2.19%
burial 1.96%
fishing 1.52%
solid 1.34%
feeding 0.51%
feeding + n. >>共 237
frenzy 14.49%
tube 12.71%
ground 5.23%
program 4.28%
time 3.92%
station 3.33%
center 3.21%
area 2.73%
operation 2.02%
people 1.66%
每页显示:    共 44