11.   Favorite colors are turquoise, blue, black and silver.

12.   Favorite colors include red, gold, deep blue and, of course, black.

13.   Favorite color?

14.   For instance, green, with yellow hues, became a favorite color during the Vietnam War.

15.   For that project, however, he was restrained from liberal use of his favorite color.

16.   Green is my favorite color.

17.   Gold, of course, was the favorite color, followed by red, orange and pink.

18.   Gray is my new favorite color.

19.   Her favorite color is purple, the color of kings.

20.   Her silver casket at the front of the chapel was adorned with an arrangement of blue flowers, her favorite color.

a. + color >>共 1144
bright 6.08%
different 5.19%
same 2.52%
new 2.32%
solid 1.64%
dark 1.41%
brilliant 1.35%
red 1.21%
national 1.19%
favorite 1.13%
favorite + n. >>共 1438
target 2.44%
spot 1.90%
team 1.72%
player 1.67%
food 1.60%
place 1.50%
sport 1.45%
subject 1.39%
restaurant 1.32%
pastime 1.29%
color 0.89%
每页显示:    共 56