11.   But we do know that Value Line favors stocks, of various market capitalizations, whose prices and earnings per share are rising fastest.

12.   Campbell said he favored industrial stocks which would benefit from any weakening in the pound.

13.   Dirks dismissed the suggestion that he was writing negative reports about the company, whose stock he once favored, because of the quarrel over fees.

14.   Despite the widespread gains and absence of much corporate news, investors seemed picky, declining to favor stocks based on battered prices alone.

15.   In its investment outlook report released this week, Union Bancaire Privee said it favors stocks in chemical and drugmakers, and in foodmakers and financial services next year.

16.   Instead, they favor stocks with lower price-to-earnings or other valuation ratios.

17.   Investors in the United States are not alone in favoring stocks from their own country, a tendency that researchers call home bias.

18.   Investors favored stocks over bonds lately.

19.   Investors favored the stocks, betting they would buy assets from their mainland parents on the cheap.

20.   Just like many investors, the women now strongly favor stocks over other uses for their money.

v. + stock >>共 471
buy 11.04%
sell 10.66%
mix 9.40%
change 3.19%
own 2.67%
take 2.25%
hurt 2.17%
trade 2.07%
send 1.87%
boost 1.69%
favor 0.31%
favor + n. >>共 1396
right 3.38%
company 1.65%
change 1.59%
independence 1.57%
candidate 1.50%
cut 1.00%
measure 1.00%
idea 0.94%
stock 0.84%
party 0.81%
每页显示:    共 40