11.   On some days, he said, half of the homes fail inspections, meaning that a builder must correct problems before work can continue.

12.   Several lawmakers pointed to reports that Mexican trucking firms failed safety inspections at a higher rate than companies in the United States and Canada.

13.   Supporters of the stricter measures say they are needed because Mexican trucks fail inspections at higher rates than U.S. and Canadian rigs.

14.   The car failed inspection.

15.   The downtown restaurant was closed in November after failing an inspection.

16.   The one-quarter of American trucks that fail roadside inspections are overwhelmingly long-haul trucks, and not short-haul rigs, according to experts.

17.   The renovations are complete, but BioPort has failed FDA inspections for the past two years.

18.   There had been two Checkers, but one had its license temporarily lifted when it failed its inspection because of serious undercarriage rust.

19.   There was the stinging disqualification at Portland when his car failed postrace technical inspection, which robbed him of a victory and delivered it to runner-up Jimmy Vasser.

20.   Two other plants have failed inspections three times, but have agreed to make changes to come into compliance.

v. + inspection >>共 258
conduct 8.33%
allow 7.10%
pass 4.87%
carry 4.16%
complete 3.46%
require 2.70%
resume 2.70%
order 2.70%
make 2.52%
perform 2.35%
fail 1.88%
fail + n. >>共 296
test 29.17%
school 5.62%
physical 4.61%
inspection 2.68%
exam 2.68%
health 2.51%
child 1.68%
time 1.68%
class 1.59%
student 1.51%
每页显示:    共 32