11.   The judge granted the new trial because Amirault and LeFave were not allowed to face their accusers in court.

12.   They were identified by numbers, spoke through voice scramblers and were hidden from public view to protect their privacy, but always faced their accusers.

13.   This time around, I asked Barneys if I could face my accusers, but the store would not satisfy my craving for justice.

14.   Almost past them, Peres abruptly spun around to face his accusers, putting security personnel on full alert.

15.   Berezovsky told a news conference in Paris on Wednesday that he plans to return to Moscow next week to face his accusers.

16.   But there has been speculation in Phnom Penh that Sirivudh will return this week to face his accusers.

17.   Cheri Pope will request access to the courtroom to provide moral support for her husband as he faces his accusers, Peterson said.

18.   Mrs. Pope will request access to the courtroom, to provide moral support for her husband as he faces his accusers, Peterson said.

19.   Under the system, trials are held in secret, defendants do not face their accusers and judges gather evidence, question witnesses and issue a verdict.

20.   Andreotti, a senator for life, has vowed to attend the trial once it starts and face his accusers.

v. + accuser >>共 43
face 20.17%
confront 15.97%
sue 8.40%
challenge 3.36%
meet 3.36%
answer 2.52%
attack 2.52%
blame 2.52%
discredit 2.52%
identify 2.52%
face + n. >>共 753
charge 11.01%
problem 3.34%
competition 3.22%
challenge 3.13%
trial 2.93%
opposition 2.38%
pressure 2.10%
criticism 1.52%
life 1.47%
difficulty 1.41%
accuser 0.07%
每页显示:    共 24