11.   An external audit will doubtless identify other money-saving measures.

12.   An external audit lends credibility to financial statements so investors, creditors and others who use them can feel they have been fairly prepared, Minnear said.

13.   Approval for a second installment of roughly the same size hinges on an external audit of the central bank and some affiliates.

14.   Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua of Philadelphia said that he doubted the bishops conference would approve opening their diocesan records to an external audit.

15.   External audits are the major independent audits that corporations, financial firms and shareholders rely on to assess the value of a company and its stock.

16.   The Bush plan would prohibit an accounting firm from both doing internal and external audits for the company, as Andersen did with Enron.

17.   The district is seeking an external audit to review the findings and determine what additional investigation or action is appropriate.

18.   The commission released a statement in December saying external audits had not given any cause for concern.

19.   Asked to elaborate on his recent claim that an external audit team had uncovered financial irregularities in WIAP, Sivaparanjothi said the council was still deliberating on the issue.

20.   Fewer senior staff and an external audit to look at improving financial management.

a. + audit >>共 215
internal 12.95%
independent 8.75%
state 3.41%
annual 3.18%
favorable 2.95%
external 2.73%
routine 2.39%
financial 2.27%
medical 2.27%
environmental 2.16%
external + n. >>共 526
affair 4.37%
debt 4.33%
factor 3.27%
pressure 2.95%
threat 2.67%
relation 2.53%
review 2.26%
force 2.03%
trade 1.70%
drive 1.47%
audit 1.10%
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