11.   Afterward, the women expressed shock at the treatment from Helms, who is notoriously tough but also assumes a courtly air with women who appear before his panel.

12.   But at a news conference the next day, the mayor expressed shock.

13.   But at a rally outside of the American Interests Section in Havana, protesters expressed shock.

14.   But those who did talk expressed shock over the Oklahoma tragedy and said they prayed for swift justice.

15.   Church officials in Scotland and England expressed shock at the developments.

16.   Colliano and other radio executives expressed shock at the surprise announcement.

17.   Civil liberties advocates and teacher unions expressed shock that the court would permit state financing of institutions devoted to religious teaching.

18.   Current and past colleagues expressed shock at the developments, several describing Cargol as a charming and sophisticated man adept at dealing with people.

19.   Cyndie Aquilina, a social worker who volunteered as a jury consultant for the defense team, stood outside the courthouse after the verdict and expressed shock.

20.   Fans around the world expressed shock.

v. + shock >>共 154
express 26.14%
absorb 6.50%
suffer 5.46%
get 5.33%
feel 4.42%
have 2.86%
cause 2.86%
withstand 2.60%
receive 2.21%
administer 1.69%
express + n. >>共 264
concern 19.92%
interest 7.28%
hope 4.78%
support 4.54%
confidence 4.41%
regret 2.88%
doubt 2.88%
fear 2.60%
reservation 2.51%
optimism 2.09%
shock 0.77%
每页显示:    共 200