11.   Ma recalled one lecture, in particular, when Dr. Feynman was explaining the nature of superfluidity and discussed smoke rings, as a way to illustrate the lesson.

12.   Such elementary programs, he suggests, can even be used to explain the nature of space and time or outline the vagaries of visual perception.

13.   The Canadian Defense Ministry has refused to explain the nature of that task force or its mission.

14.   The stories do not yet add up to a coherent whole that will explain the nature of the relationship between the president and the intern.

15.   This highly mathematical area of particle physics is being developed in the hope that some day it will explain the nature of all the known forces.

16.   His first unceremonious exit, unceremonious return, and exit again from public and political life in Syria, explains the nature of the power structure inside the country.

17.   It did not explain the nature of the charges.

18.   Officials from both companies will be explaining the nature of their agreement in a press briefing scheduled next Tuesday.

19.   The ministry did not explain the nature of the deal reached between the Dutch commander and his Bosnian opposite numbers.

v. + nature >>共 289
change 11.73%
disclose 6.21%
understand 5.19%
specify 4.68%
discuss 3.57%
determine 3.32%
know 2.55%
reveal 2.21%
describe 1.96%
alter 1.62%
explain 1.62%
explain + n. >>共 1380
decision 3.64%
reason 3.51%
difference 2.29%
action 2.25%
situation 1.97%
position 1.75%
discrepancy 1.29%
problem 1.25%
thing 1.14%
phenomenon 1.02%
nature 0.32%
每页显示:    共 19